
My name is Susan Elizabeth but I go by Sue.Love Like a Mom - Sue Thomson My name means Lily, but it also means Grace or Graceful

‘Consider the Lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.’  (Bible-KJV) Doesn’t that sound beautiful?

I am a wife to an amazing man and an experienced Mom of 9 children and I am still in the trenches. Now after many years, I have more developed many more mom-skills.

At Love like a Mom, I help new moms learn skills, techniques and character qualities to help them raise and train their children with excellence and success.

Moms need to know how incredibly valuable they are in the lives of their children. Moms have great influence in the lives of their children and subsequently in the world.

We all can have a calm home with happy, obedient children.

I’ve learned many success principles and skills and we’re doing our best to teach them to our children including:

– Homeschooling, academics / sports / business…
– Disciplining, teaching obedience…
– Training skills: cooking, cleaning, organizing, sewing, fixing cars, construction…
– Character skills, sharing, apologizing, thoughtfulness, kindness, integrity…
– Social skills, social awareness, shaking hands, looking adults in the eye when speaking to them, even when our children are still little ones… 

We’ve learned many lessons over the years. I am a businesswoman who believes in ‘never give up’. I appreciate accomplishment and I love beauty. Most of all I am grateful to God for my Life. 

My goal is to add value to people when and where I can. If I can encourage you toward your success, then I have accomplished that goal.

Love like a mom means that my heart is always drawn to my children, just like your heart is drawn to yours.

Please know that while I’m writing about Love like a Mom, I am not pretending to have done it all right. Not by any stretch of the imagination. I want to share ongoing tips and techniques that will build into your life. 

Love Like a MomI will encourage you to aim high and do your best. I’m trying to do my best and part of my learning process is to get better from my mistakes, not give up because I’ve failed.

The best way to learn is by experience. If you can learn from the experience of others, then you won’t have to go through some of the hard times yourself. 

Let’s share our lives and succeed together.